[extropy-chat] Open and hidden fascism in Exi forum
Hubert Mania
humania at t-online.de
Sat Jun 26 14:47:59 UTC 2004
The terrorrism thread, RB started recently, demonstrates quite clearly the
degradation of utilitarian thinking, when it is applied to a spongy and
vaguely formulated "philosophy" like the extropian principles. A freaked out
and mentally retarded fascist, named Robert Bradbury, hides his frivolous
and inhuman mind games behind a veil of ugly *rational* thinking, and his
supposedly open-minded followers all get caught in this trap: "Shouldn't it
be possible for free individuals to discuss this topic in a user friendly
FUCKING NO! If you really think, it should be possible to discuss genocide
in a calm and collective manner, you are already morally lost, and hide your
barbarian persona behind a rational façade.
I deeply despise anybody who thinks he is so cool by actively participating
in this scandalous thread and for giving RB the pleasure of being heard. The
Exi President in her very own naive ignorance and with that unfortunate lack
of sensitivity does not stop this embarrassing thread and does not remove
Nazi RB from the board. And since everybody else on the ExI board remains
silent - no wonder with another reactionary and war supporter as Vice
President -, I will describe the Extropian movement from now on as
a frankly neo-fascist group. And there will be no excuses, since all
participants have this insufferable excessive self-esteem of being hyper
intelligent and therefore should know from slapdash reading Bradbury's
thoughts, that they are dancing to the whistle of a rotten, degraded and
dangerous personality. I will start spreading the news of a new
fascism of global genocide planning rising in the USA under the name of
Extropy. I will warn everybody who is interested in the development of
futurist creativity that Extropy does not have its roots in true humanist
Congratulations, Extropians. You have just won a new enemy. His name is:
Hubert Mania
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