[extropy-chat] ex-tropical
neptune at superlink.net
Mon Mar 1 14:35:34 UTC 2004
On Monday, March 01, 2004 2:42 AM The Avantguardian
avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com wrote:
> * That is still nonsense, Adrian. The vast majority of
> people in the world today don't even have access to
> automobiles or airplanes. I seriously doubt that even
> if space travel were to become as routine as
> booking a flight would a significantly sizable portion
> of the world be able to afford to leave it. So the world
> will not be depopulated by emigration. Chances are
> at best a lucky privilaged few will be able to leave and
> the rest will in remain in squalor to succumb to famine,
> disease, war, or perhaps even survive as they may.
This depends a lot on other factors. After all, a lot of the poor from
Europe did migrate to North America, but there was a huge draw and a
huge push for that. (I do think the first settlers in space -- if there
are any -- will be a tiny minority and space migration will start out
small and slow unless there's a push or a pull of significant
But if you want to get poor people off world -- and I do as well --
perhaps we can form some sort of sponsorship for them. (Of course, I'm
not exactly a member of the aristocracy, so I'm not proposing that I'd
be able to fund more than getting my sorry butt off the world -- and
probably only with extensive help of a sponsor.:)
> In general, I don't like criticizing what people say on
> this list because I feel it stifles interesting if not perfect
> ideas from being expressed. But in this case I figure
> I owe you one.
On that note: would it be possible for you to post in plain text as
opposed to HTML?
"There are philosophers who have given their mind to the phenomenon of
disregard of laws and have sought out its causes. Much more surprising,
however, is the opposite phenomenon of respect for laws and deference to
authority. History never lacks instances to show us of vast masses of
men submitting to a yoke which is hateful to them, and lending unanimous
and willing aid to keep in being a Power which they detest." -- Bertrand
de Jouvenel
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