[extropy-chat] Thinking in Darwinian Lockstep
neptune at superlink.net
Wed Mar 3 20:26:33 UTC 2004
On Wednesday, March 03, 2004 2:53 PM Reason reason at longevitymeme.org
>> http://www.lewrockwell.com/reed/reed27.html
>> No time to refute this right now, but I hope
>> others will write him about this.
> I've always found it somewhat annoying that a
> large number of influential libertarians find that
> their live and let live attitude stops where their
> religion starts.
I would say it's the other way around: These are religious people who
just happen to hold some libertarian tenets, especially when it comes to
things they hold near and dear. But that's typical. Any individual or
group that is being oppressed usually takes almost libertarian stances
against oppression. However, when it comes time to be the oppressor,
then it's another story.
> Lew Rockwell would be a good resource to
> introduce people to libertarianism if not for the
> rabid christianity and veiled racism.
I'm not sure it's racism. I think it's more saying things that shock
people in today's PC-climate. ("Today's" because just all ages and
circles have their PC lingo.) But what, in particular, do you think is
racist there?
However, I agree about the rabid Christianity of quite a few in that
crowd. It's surprising given their veneration of that fellow atheist
Murray Rothbard.:)
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