[extropy-chat] Thinking in Darwinian Lockstep
reason at longevitymeme.org
Wed Mar 3 20:40:30 UTC 2004
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harvey Newstrom [mailto:mail at HarveyNewstrom.com]
> Reason wrote,
> > I've always found it somewhat annoying that a large number of
> > influential libertarians find that their live and let live
> > attitude stops where their religion starts. Lew Rockwell
> > would be a good resource to introduce people to
> > libertarianism if not for the rabid christianity and veiled racism.
> Actually, I would consider such groups to be poor resources
> because of their
> rabid christianity, poor science, and veiled racism. If they aren't
> objectively trustworthy on these topics, why should I trust their research
> in other areas? It is this very reason that I discount that "large number
> of influential libertarians" that you mention.
Sadly, these people are actually very influential. Their relationship to the
libertarian community is similar to the relationship of Betterhumans to the
transhumanist community - i.e. they get way more eyeballs than the rest of
the community put together, but are by no means representative of diversity
or majority viewpoints.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Technotranscendence [mailto:neptune at superlink.net]
> > Lew Rockwell would be a good resource to
> > introduce people to libertarianism if not for the
> > rabid christianity and veiled racism.
> I'm not sure it's racism. I think it's more saying things that shock
> people in today's PC-climate. ("Today's" because just all ages and
> circles have their PC lingo.) But what, in particular, do you think is
> racist there?
Positions and statements on immigration from a few of the writers. As for
religion, they veer off into protectionism and racism, ignoring the obvious,
well discussed libertarian solutions of property ownership, small government
and strong rule of law. If you have those two, you don't need borders.
Immigration "problems" are all commons-like problems relating to public
services and commonly-held resources that can be got rid of by privatizing
the problem areas.
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