[extropy-chat] Hardwired Feelings - what about antisocial feelings?

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Wed Mar 10 21:52:53 UTC 2004

>  Is developmental, epigenetic and genetic as well as neurochemical 
> environment
>involved in modulating the aggressive antisocial behaviour of sociopaths and
>psychopaths.  Is there a genetic component to pre-dispose, an epigenetic
>component (like fetal alcohol syndrome), as well as a

Why, I'm glad you asked that question!

Melvin Konner, a smart guy, sez inter alia:


Roger Masters, a political scientist ably practicing evolutionary 
psychology since long before it had that name, contributes the second 
chapter. Although it seems out of place in this book-it has little directly 
to do with evolution or its consequences-it is potentially very important. 
He summarizes evidence that when silicon fluoride is added to drinking 
water it enhances the body's uptake of lead, "a neurotoxin that lowers 
dopaminergic function in the inhibitory circuits of the basal ganglia," [p. 
43] and that this effect increases rates of violent crime where water is so 
treated. SiF also increases manganese content of water, and the two 
elements (lead and manganese) interact to produce a more than additive 
effect on crime. Masters reasonably concludes "that a moratorium on the use 
of SiF in public water supplies would be a relatively low-cost policy 
capable of lowering rates of substance abuse and violent crime." [p. 49] 
The epidemiological analyses are very challenging and no doubt subject to 
criticism, but at a minimum, this possibility deserves further study.


Damien Broderick

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