[extropy-chat] Alcor Emergency
Stephen J. Van Sickle
sjvans at ameritech.net
Thu Mar 11 02:06:56 UTC 2004
This email list is easier to cut and paste.
Here is an example of a sample letter Barry Aarons wants us to send to
the legislature. Please restrict your comments to these points to be
most effective. Thank you.
Alcor Life Extension Foundation
-----Original Message-----
From: Christen DuRoss[mailto:cduross at aaronsco.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 6:23 PM
To: lmason at azleg.state.az.us; tohaller at azleg.state.az.us;
jkjksnjr at azleg.state.az.us; jhart at azleg.state.az.us;
bwagner at azleg.state.az.us; tboone at azleg.state.az.us;
chubbs at azleg.state.az.us; jflake at azleg.state.az.us;
bkonopni at azleg.state.az.us; tcarpent at azleg.state.az.us;
cjayne at azleg.state.az.us; jallen at azleg.state.az.us;
rbarnes at azleg.state.az.us; mreagan at azleg.state.az.us;
crosati at azleg.state.az.us; phanson at azleg.state.az.us;
bstump at azleg.state.az.us; lgray at azleg.state.az.us;
dquellan at azleg.state.az.us; dgullett at azleg.state.az.us;
stully at azleg.state.az.us; barnold at azleg.state.az.us;
jnelson at azleg.state.az.us; sgallard at azleg.state.az.us;
jloredo at azleg.state.az.us; dmccune at azleg.state.az.us;
rmeza at azleg.state.az.us; kclark at azleg.state.az.us;
wstraugh at azleg.state.az.us; llandrum at azleg.state.az.us;
slaughte at azleg.state.az.us; bmiranda at azleg.state.az.us;
mbcahill at azleg.state.az.us; mthompso at azleg.state.az.us;
kjohnson at azleg.state.az.us; rpearce at azleg.state.az.us;
cdgray at azleg.state.az.us; gpierce at azleg.state.az.us;
jhuppent at azleg.state.az.us; brobson at azleg.state.az.us;
wnichols at azleg.state.az.us; syarbrou at azleg.state.az.us;
abiggs at azleg.state.az.us; efarnswo at azleg.state.az.us;
ebustama at azleg.state.az.us; cchase at azleg.state.az.us;
aaguirre at azleg.state.az.us; jcarruth at azleg.state.az.us;
malvarez at azleg.state.az.us; jburns at azleg.state.az.us;
phershbe at azleg.state.az.us; shuffman at azleg.state.az.us;
obedford at azleg.state.az.us; plopes at azleg.state.az.us;
dbradley at azleg.state.az.us; tdowning at azleg.state.az.us;
llopez at azleg.state.az.us; tprezels at azleg.state.az.us;
rgraf at azleg.state.az.us; mmcclure at azleg.state.az.us
Cc: Barry Aarons (E-mail);Jennifer Clark (E-mail);Christen DuRoss
(E-mail); joewaynick at alcor.org; tanya at alcor.org
Subject: ALCOR Urges You to Vote NO on HB2637
Dear Members of the House of Representatives,
Alcor Life Extension Foundation urges you to vote NO on HB2637. This
bill is a solution without a problem.
While we had hoped that the sponsor would provide amendments including
appropriate definitions of cryonics and appropriate reference for
registration of a cryonics establishment with the Funeral Board, those
amendments were not forthcoming.
Even without any new legislation, even without the passage of HB2637,
the Funeral Board and Alcor Life Extension Foundation have a verbal
understanding that assures the Funeral Board will conduct oversight of
Alcor's records to ensure that Alcor maintains the dignity of its
patients. In turn, the Funeral Board has agreed to sign a
non-disclosure statement which assures Alcor that it's patients
records will be kept confidential.
The Funeral Board and Alcor have come to this decision amicably. There
is no need for this legislation!
We urge you to vote NO on HB2637. This bill is a solution without a
Barry M. Aarons
On Wed, 2004-03-10 at 19:51, Stephen J. Van Sickle wrote:
> http://alcor.org/legislativealert.html
> March 10, 5:40 PM
> To All Alcor Members and Supporters:
> Up to this point, Alcor has negotiated in good faith with Representative
> Stump, attempting to draft legislation that would address his concerns
> for the protection of the citizens of Arizona as well as protect the
> rights of our members and patients. Mr. Stump has repeatedly delayed
> negotiations while working the legislature to gather votes to bring the
> bill to the house floor without our support. In open committee, Mr.
> Stump pledged to work with us to create statutory definitions for
> cryonics and to define the scope of oversight by the Funeral Board under
> a separate entity.
> In good faith, we came together with the Arizona Funeral Board and
> reached agreement on the substance of the areas for which they oversight
> is required. Both Rudy Thomas and Randy Bunker attended our board
> meeting and confirmed that there were no substantial issues preventing
> us from executing an agreement without delay.
> In spite of our conciliatory actions and assumption of good intentions
> on the part of Representative Stump, he has decided to move forward with
> a House vote on his bill TOMORROW (Thursday) without allowing the
> affected parties to complete negotiations. Apparently, it doesn’t matter
> to him that the primary parties impacted by this legislation agree that
> passing new law is unnecessary when an administrative solution can
> easily be achieved. Nor does it seem to matter to him that his bill is
> also strongly opposed by other organ donation groups, including the
> local Science Care, the Organ Donation Network, Life Legacy, and others.
> Furthermore, the University of Arizona, Midwestern University, and other
> academic organizations will be negatively impacted by this hasty
> legislation.
> I have instructed Barry Aarons to cease attempting to engage
> Representative Stump and to implore every member of the House to vote
> against this bill. At this time, we are asking all of our supporters to
> contact each Representative in the House and urge them to vote against
> this bill. Remember, it is not just members of the Health Committee who
> need to be contacted, but EVERY REPRESENTATIVE IN THE HOUSE! Important:
> please use the BCC: field for these mailings, so that each legislator
> feels more of a sense of personal contact.
> http://www.azleg.state.az.us/MemberRoster.asp?Body=H&SortBy=1
> Once again, I have attached our talking points and a letter format for
> you to use. Please eMail, fax, and CALL each house member to urge them
> to VOTE NO ON HB 2637 (embalmers; funeral establishments; storing
> remains). Tell them your personal story and how this bill puts your life
> tomorrow, Thursday, March 11th. You must act immediately if you are to
> have an impact.
> Alcor tried to do the right thing. We accepted Representative Stump’s
> word that he wished to work out a solution. It was he who did not act in
> good faith, not Alcor. Your support is urgently needed to stop HB 2637
> before it passes to the Senate and we have to begin negotiating anew.
> It’s time to show him that we mean business!
> Joseph Waynick
> CEO/President
> Alcor Life Extension Foundation
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