[extropy-chat] Passion: If Mel Gibson were really a circus freak

Technotranscendence neptune at superlink.net
Thu Mar 11 20:20:20 UTC 2004

On Thursday, March 11, 2004 2:57 PM Damien Broderick
thespike at satx.rr.com wrote:
> At 01:44 PM 3/11/2004 -0600, I oops'd:
>> I assume that Mike's pulling your leg and
>> chuckling to himself, but of course this
>> isn't true. Hasn't anyone in the USA seen
>> the Peter Weir movie GALLIPOLI (1981)

Of course, I have.  I was quite young when it came out -- I saw it on
DVD or VHS a few years ago -- but I seem to recall it got a good run in
the theaters here.  Okay, to be honest, I saw the trailers on TV.  I
wasn't all that aware of things at that time.  (Some of you might notice
a pattern here.:)  Decent film, but not Weir's best.  IMHO, that would
be "Picnic at Hanging Rock."  What say you?

> Actually MAD MAX was made prior to
> that, in 1979.

That too.  I liked it.  Interesting choice he gives to the villain at
the end.

> The movies I should have
> cited were SUMMER CITY (1977) and the
> dire TIM (1979), where Mel was cast
> as a handsome young halfwit. Hmmm.

I haven't seen those -- or don't remember if I did.  While handsome is
in the eye of the beholder, I can see why some would find the young and
perhaps even the mature Gibson fetching if not fanciable.



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