[extropy-chat] Questions About Real People

Kristen Young ladydisdain1984 at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 20 01:46:56 UTC 2004

I am writing a college term paper on transhumanism.  I have been reading 
various articles, primarily those written by Dr. Max More, but would like to 
get some more real life exposure to the real people.  I had wanted to attend 
a meeting or conference but it looks as though there aren’t any happening in 
the L.A. area soon enough.  So, I figured the next best thing would be to 
get email responses from people.  Below is a list of questions that will be 
helpful for my research and are also of interest to me personally.  If you 
would like to respond to my questions but you find a particular question(s) 
too probing, I will not be offended if you do not answer that/those 

1.	What first attracted you to transhumanism?
2.	To you, what is transhumanism’s most important principle?
3.	Do you identify with a specific branch of transhumanism?  Which?
4.	Whose writings on transhumanism, or related principles and topics, have 
most greatly influenced you?
5.	Do you have a religious affiliation?  If yes, which religion and how 
strongly do you adhere to it?  If no, were you formerly?  If you were 
formerly religious, what caused you to change?
6.	What sort of impact does transhumanism have on your daily life?  Your 
life in general?

Many thanks in advance.

Kristen Young
Ladydisdain1984 at hotmail.com

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