[extropy-chat] Re: Limitpushers and Limitexplorers (Was: Altered genes)
Robert J. Bradbury
bradbury at aeiveos.com
Sun Mar 28 18:10:09 UTC 2004
I will agree with the premises and assertions as stated.
I might like to study a bit more how one prioritizes
between pushing and exploring. As Eric conservatively
points out in Nanosystems (Chp. 9, pg 264) -- one has
over 10^148 structures that can fit into a cubic
nanometer. And that is only the nanostructure phase
space. I wouldn't want to begin to estimate the
variants when you start exploring the amount of
intelligence that an XYZZY-brain can support
(i.e. the intellectual phase space on top of the
physical phase space).
So I don't think one can explore much of the phase
space(s) without pushing on the limits that the universe
seems to be presenting to us. So one has to strike
some kind of balance between pushing those limits (if
that is possible) and exploring what they allow. To
do this wisely (extropically?) requires some way of
establishing values and priorities.
I'm not suggesting any (but all of those mentioned --
such as resolving starvation, disease, premature death
from aging, etc. come near the top of my priority list).
I think it would be an interesting topic for discussion
between the various people that we know who can bring a
variety of perspectives into the conversation.
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