[extropy-chat] extro5 memories

Spike spike66 at comcast.net
Mon May 3 05:41:49 UTC 2004

I was down in San Jose today, among the hordes of 
drunken Cinco de Mayo-ers.  I wasn't one of them, 
you understand.  I was at the Tech museum, across 
the street from that hotel where we had Extro5.  
As I watched the IMAX, pleasant memories of that 
fine time flooded my brain, and  I began to wonder:
why is it that they never have any porno movies at 
the IMAX?  Then I realized, its because then some 
woman's buns would be about 15 feet across.
Each.  That might actually be a turnoff, in
some ways.  Really, how much resolution does one
actually need for that sorta thing?

Extro5 was a kick, wasn't it?


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