[extropy-chat] Lab Creates Babies As Stem-Cell Donors

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Thu May 6 03:19:25 UTC 2004

>The Chicago doctors said the healthy embryos that were not matches
>were frozen for potential future use. But some ethicists said such
>perfectly healthy embryos could end up being discarded.
>"This was a search-and-destroy mission," said Richard Doerflinger of
>the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The chosen embryos "were
>allowed to be born so they could donate tissue to benefit someone else."

It is a murderous disgrace that the Catholic Church does not encourage its 
flotilla of childless, virginal nuns to offer up their unoccupied wombs to 
carry these poor defenceless 100 cell but fully human persons to term! Then 
they could be placed in Catholic orphanages, where the care is famously 
trustworthy and well-received.

Damien Broderick 

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