[extropy-chat] monty hall paradox again

David deimtee at optusnet.com.au
Sun May 23 22:59:55 UTC 2004

Spike wrote:

> David wrote:
>>Call the larger envelope value LV,
>>the smaller envelope SV,
>>the minimum possible amount of zorgs is z.
>>and i is some integer.
>>SV must be i * z.
>>But LV = 2 * SV , therefore SV can only increment in steps of 2z.
>>This means that for any given range there are twice as many
>>possible SV values as there are LV values.
>>This means that the chance that the other envelope is the
>>smaller one is twice the chance that it is the larger one.
>>expected value becomes 2/3 * 5 + 1/3 * 20 = 10.
>I am examining this argument carefully, for it is
>tempting indeed.  The phrase "for any given range" makes me
>squirm a little, for I fear that it incorrectly causes the zorg
>version of the puzzle to collapse to the less interesting
>real dollars version, which is solved by Eliezer's solution.
>The real dollars version is merely a poker match. 
>On the other hand, I suppose that even with zorgs, there
>must me *some* finite range.  Do let me ponder, thereby
>dumping even more perfectly good life into this maddening
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"any given range" immediately becomes applicable when you open the first 
The range is 2 * the value of the envelope you open.

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