[[extropy-chat] diffraction limit

scerir scerir at libero.it
Fri May 28 20:18:12 UTC 2004

Transistors and other features in chips 
are made using optical lithography,
where light etches out patterns on 
a photosensitive substrate on silicon.
The minimum feature size possible is 
equal to the wavelength (lambda) of 
the light used. This is the "diffraction 

If lambda is the (de Broglie) wavelenght
of an individual photon, using N entangled
(correlated) photons it could be possible
to imagine to reduce the "diffraction limit" 
and also the minimum feature size of chips, 
since, in this case, the wavelenght might 
be lambda/N.  

And in fact ....

Any killer application in microscopy?
Interferometry? Astronomy? (Cosmology?).

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