[extropy-chat] The Nanogirl News~
Gina Miller
nanogirl at halcyon.com
Mon Nov 1 00:08:28 UTC 2004
The Nanogirl News
October 31, 2004
Reconstructing Neural Circuits in 3D, Nanometer by Nanometer. The authors' custom-designed microtome holds the tissue block in a way that ensures image alignment and maintains focus; all the while the specimen surface is positioned close enough to the objective lens to allow high-resolution imaging. Denk and Horstmann expect that with this method they might ultimately be able to cut sections thinner than the 50 nanometers that their current setup manages. This then would allow them to cut sections even thinner than what is routinely possible in conventional transmission electron microscopy. While the authors doubt that the lateral resolution will ever reach that of transmission electron microscopy, they also argue that such high resolution may not actually be needed to trace neuronal connectivity. On the other hand, the method accelerates 3D electron microscopic data collection "by several orders of magnitude" by obviating the need for the labor-intensive adjustments to correct alignment and distortion required by other methods, an advance that is crucial for large-volume neuroanatomy and might, in addition, open up many hitherto inaccessible problems to ultra-structural investigations. (Plosbiology November 04)
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) announced today at a media briefing a new $144.3 million, five-year initiative to develop and apply nanotechnology to cancer. Nanotechnology, the development and engineering of devices so small that they are measured on a molecular scale, has already demonstrated promising results in cancer research and treatment. "Nanotechnology has the potential to radically increase our options for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer," said Andrew von Eschenbach, M.D., director of the National Cancer Institute. "NCI's commitment to this cancer initiative comes at a critical time. Nanotechnology supports and expands the scientific advances in genomics and proteomics and builds on our understanding of the molecular underpinnings of cancer. These are the pillars which will support progress in cancer." (Medicalnewstoday 10/13/04)
CRN Announces the Wise-Nano Project. The Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN) has initiated the Wise-Nano project, a collaborative online effort to study the facts and implications of advanced nanotechnology. Wise-Nano.org is a website for researchers worldwide to work together, helping to build an understanding of the technologies, their effects, and what to do about them. (PRWEB Oct 16, 2004) http://www.prweb.com/releases/2004/10/prwebxml168143.php
Tumbleweeds in the Bloodstream. Molecule-size sensors inside astronauts' cells could warn of health impacts from space radiation. Wouldn't it be nice if the cells in your body would simply tell you when you're starting to get sick, long before symptoms appear? Or alert you when a tumor is growing, while it's still microscopic and harmless? The ability to detect changes inside of individual cells while those cells are still inside your body would be a boon to medicine. NASA-supported scientists are developing a technology right now that could, if it works, do exactly that. (Yubanet 10/30/04) http://www.yubanet.com/artman/publish/article_14835.shtml
New Study: Nanotechnology Poised to Revolutionize Tech, Manufacturing Markets; Market Will Rival Sales Volume of Combined Tech and Telecom Markets. Sales of products incorporating nanotechnology will total $2.6 trillion in 10 years, approximately one-fifth of the current Gross Domestic Product (GDP (news - web sites)), greatly exceeding previous estimates, according to a new report released by a leading Wall Street financial analyst. Nano- enhanced products will account for 50 percent of all electronics and information technology products and 16 percent of all healthcare products by 2014, according to the report. (U.S. Newswire 10/29/04)
It's time for an alternative fuel. The era of human development with oil and gas as energy source is nearing its end and in the next 30-40 years, there will be a 'clean break' to produce energy from renewable, non-fossil fuels, mostly from hydrogen. The rise in global temperature due to emission of green house gases will force man to seek alternatives so that life is viable on earth, M S Srinivasan, additional secretary, Union Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, said today... 'By combining nanotechnology manipulating subatomic particles for new products and hydrogen for alternative fuel, a way can be found on how to store hydrogen and discharge into the usage system,' he said. (Regionalfare 10/30/04) http://newstodaynet.com/30oct/rf14.htm
DuPont Becomes Founding Sponsor of International Council on Nanotechnology. The Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology (CBEN) at Rice University in Houston, Texas, recently announced the formation of the International Council on Nanotechnology (ICON). The ICON is a collaboration among academic, industry, regulatory and non-governmental interest groups that will work to assess, communicate, and reduce potential environmental and health risks associated with nanotechnology. (A2Znano 10/29/04) http://www.azonano.com/news.asp?newsID=387
(Book) Inner Limits A novel by Frank John Ingersoll. An Eye-Opening Glimpse Into An Immediate Future. Is it possible that man might recreate himself without flaws? Medicine, Science, technology and religion are all racing towards the prize in mankind's quest to attain perfection. The novel, Inner Limits explores the possibilities that realistically, now appear to be within our grasp...Nanotechnology is creating nanomachines that are so small that 2-billion of them can fit on the point of a needle. Can they be programmed to rid a body of cancer, rebuild cartilage in a knee, help you loose weight or improve your sex life? Can Nanotechnology also be programmed to get rid of all evil or create evil? Can it overcome Satan's power over so many? Can man program over God's plan for you? (Christian Magazine Online 10/29/04)
Drug-dispensing Contact Lens Developed. Could treat eye diseases better than drops. Drug-loaded contact lenses have been developed that could treat eye conditions such as glaucoma far more effectively than drops. Usually sufferers of glaucoma and many other eye conditions are prescribed eye drops. These can mix with tears, however, and drain into the nose where they enter the bloodstream and cause side-effects. As well, drops are inconsistent and difficult to regulate. Researchers from the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN) in Singapore recognized this problem and have created a contact lens material that can deliver drug treatments directly into the eye. (Betterhumans 10/29/04) http://www.betterhumans.com/News/news.aspx?articleID=2004-10-29-3
Nanodevices target viruses. Physicists are used to detecting inanimate objects like photons and particles but two teams of researchers in the US have now turned their attention to very different targets -- viruses. Harold Craighead and colleagues at Cornell University used a nanoelectromechanical device to detect an insect baculovirus, while Charles Lieber and co-workers at Harvard University employed a nanowire field-effect transistor to detect single influenza viruses. The new methods could be scaled up for applications in medicine or the detection of biological weapons. (Physicsweb 10/8/04) http://physicsweb.org/articles/news/8/10/6/1
Total of $80,000 Awarded to Eight Promising Nanotechnology Ideas. QD Vision, Inc. of Cambridge, Mass., was awarded the top prize today in the first International Nanotechnology Business Idea Competition for its idea to produce the next generation of flat panel displays. The startup company received $50,000 in cash, plus business plan writing assistance and additional business advisory services."We couldn't be happier," said Greg Moeller, vice president of sales and marketing for the company. "Winning this competition is going to allow us to secure the intellectual property [behind the company's flat panel displays]."..Judges from the ranks of nanotechnology research, venture capital and business reviewed entries from 14 states and four countries. Twenty-five teams were selected to participate in a semifinal round of judging, which took place Thursday, October 28. Eight teams competed in today's finals at Case. (PR Newswire 10/29/04)
UCLA Chemists Report New Nano Phenomenon: Welding in Response to an Ordinary Camera Flash. UCLA chemists report the discovery of a remarkable new nanoscale phenomenon: An ordinary camera flash causes the instantaneous welding together of nanofibers made of polyaniline, a unique synthetic polymer that can be made in either a conducting or an insulating form. The discovery, which the chemists call "flash welding," is published in the November issue of the journal Nature Materials..."I was very surprised," Kaner said. "My graduate student, Jiaxing Huang, decided to take some pictures of his polyaniline nanofibers one evening when he heard a distinct popping sound and smelled burning plastic. Jiaxing recalled a paper that we had discussed during a group meeting reporting that carbon nanotubes burned up in response to a camera flash. By adjusting the distance of the camera flash to his material, he was able to produce smooth films with no burning, making this new discovery potentially useful." (UCLA 10/28/04) http://www.newsroom.ucla.edu/page.asp?RelNum=5602
ASU Biodesign Researcher to Explore Revolutionary Gene Sequencing: Threading the Molecular Needle. A radical new method of DNA sequencing currently being explored by Stuart Lindsay, Director of the Center for Single Molecule Biophysics in the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University and Professor of Physics at ASU, could make the long-dreamt-of era of true genetic medicine possible with extremely rapid, accurate and low cost sequencing of single DNA molecules...Lindsay's new sequencing technology involves using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), which is customarily used to analyze the surface structure of materials at molecular resolution with the ultra-small tip of a sensitive probe, in combination with naturally occurring ring-shaped sugar molecules called cyclodextrins. Lindsay believes that the ring molecules, when paired with the AFM probe tip, can effectively be used as sensors to "read" the sequence of amino acid code (DNA "bases") in the human genome that comprises many millions of bases. (ASU 10/29/04) http://www.asu.edu/asunews/research/lindsay_sequencing_102904.htm
Researchers watch water inside nanotubes. Researchers from Drexel University, US, the University of Illinois at Chicago, US, and the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan have filled closed multiwalled carbon nanotubes between just 2 and 5 nm in diameter with water. The team says its work is of fundamental importance for understanding liquid behavior at the nanoscale.
(nanotechweb 10/27/04) http://nanotechweb.org/articles/news/3/10/19/1
UK government report warns of potential nanotechnology risks. A report by the UK's Health and Safety Executive has concluded that the safety of the tiny particles created by the emerging nanotechnology industry has not been fully assessed. (Drugresearcher 10/28/04)
A Nanowire with a Surprise. New research may advance the nanoelectronics field. Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory and their collaborators have discovered that a short, organic chain molecule with dimensions on the order of a nanometer (a billionth of a meter) conducts electrons in a surprising way: It regulates the electrons' speed erratically, without a predictable dependence on the length of the wire. This information may help scientists learn how to use nanowires to create components for a new class of tiny electronic circuits. (Brookhaven 10/18/04) http://www.bnl.gov/bnlweb/pubaf/pr/PR_display.asp?prID=04-92
Report: Nano-product sales to $2.6 trillion by 2014. Global sales of products incorporating nanoscale technologies could rise to more than $2.6 trillion in 2014, according to a new industry report. Lux Research Inc.'s "Sizing Nanotechnology's Value Chain" predicts that revenues from products incorporating nano-based approaches will total $13 billion, $8.5 billion of which lies in automotive and aerospace applications. Most are high-end uses, and the amount represents about 0.1 percent of the global manufacturing output. (Smalltimes 10/28/04)
(PDF document) Research News from the MRS Bulletin: Silica-coated SWNTs form unique nanostructures; Novel liquid-crystal phases formed with introduction of chirality; High-strength reticulated porous ceramics; Cracks in rubber propagate faster than the speed of sound; F-containing molecules serve as structure-directing agentsin synthesis of molecular sieves; Flame-spraying technique yields aluminate bulk glasses and nanoceramics; Composite polymer-carbon nanotubes function as optoelectronic memory devices (MRS October 04) http://www.mrs.org/publications/bulletin/2004/oct/oct04_researchers.pdf
Taiwan on cusp of nanotech rewards. From the harvesting of rice to the harnessing of nano products, Taiwan's skill based industries are expected to utilize this new-found scientific breakthrough. Long Qiang Nano Technology Corporation and Taiwan textile Research Institute (TTRI) announced their joint venture in exploring and planning more nano-based applications yesterday in Taipei County.
(The China Post 10/30/04) http://www.chinapost.com.tw/business/detail.asp?GRP=E&id=53922
Nanotech group's invitations declined. A new effort by industry leaders and others to engender public trust in nanotechnology, the young science of making invisibly small materials, has run into difficulties on the eve of its first meeting after environmental and citizen groups declined to join for now because of doubts the initiative will serve the public interest. None of the three invited representatives of environmental groups has agreed to join the newly created International Council on Nanotechnology at its inaugural meeting in Houston today.
(The Smalltimes 10/28/04) http://www.smalltimes.com/document_display.cfm?document_id=8401
Happy Halloween!
Gina "Nanogirl" Miller
Nanotechnology Industries
Personal: http://www.nanogirl.com/index2.html
Foresight Senior Associate http://www.foresight.org
Nanotechnology Advisor Extropy Institute http://www.extropy.org
My New Project: Microscope Jewelry
Email: nanogirl at halcyon.com
"Nanotechnology: Solutions for the future."
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