[extropy-chat] The Boston Globe on Kurzweil

Giu1i0 Pri5c0 pgptag at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 06:47:42 UTC 2004

Taking proper care of the body today, Kurzweil believes, is a
necessary step on the path to immortality for himself and his fellow
baby boomers.
In 20 years, he predicts, biotechnology will be able to block the
circuits that cause disease and will radically slow aging.
After that, what he calls the "full blossoming of nanotechnology" will
allow us to replace the fragile and diseaseprone cells we were born
with, swapping our fading neurons with nano-engineered neurons that
keep our memory forever sharp.
He plans to be around for both those revolutions, whenever they occur.
Boston Globe: http://www.boston.com/news/globe/magazine/articles/2004/10/31/the_futurist?mode=PF

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