[extropy-chat] glat test

scerir scerir at libero.it
Mon Nov 1 07:45:04 UTC 2004

> Who is this Atkinson guy?  


A smart and non-orthodox theorist,
professor emeritus too.

Another non-orthodox Dutch is Wim Rietdijk

Both seem to believe in retrocausation. 
That is to say that in the quantum domain dynamics 
is time-symmetric [if time exists, in there]. 
There are "causes" in the backward light cone, 
there are also "causes" in the forward light cone.

That would explain weird quantum effects. 
Like EPR non-separability, Young's two-slit 
complementarity, the "missing" quantum information 
channel in teleportation, and so on.

Not so different from Feynman's approach
in terms of "negative" probabilities. At least
if one thinks that a "negative" probability
could be a probability for things going "the
other way around".


"If, without in any way disturbing a system, we can predict
with certainty (i.e. with probability equal to unity) the
value of a physical quantity, then there exists an element
of physical reality corresponding to this physical quantity."
- E.P.R. (1935)

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