[extropy-chat] RE: Aw Nuts! Bush Wins... Bush's triumph:gettingthe poor to favour the rich

Sean Diggins sean at valuationpartners.com.au
Thu Nov 4 05:15:17 UTC 2004


-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Spike
I do hope that message becomes clear: the president is
not the CEO of America.  
Except when it comes to invading sovereign nations without the sanction of
the UN, as a premptive strike, based on misleading garbage, dragging other
nations into the debacle (including my country, Australia, which invaded
Iraq pre-emptively without the UN for the first time in history) and then
carving up the spoils in a very obvious case of cynical war profiteering.

But GWB didn't decide to do this? Then, may I ask, who _made_ him do it?
Could it be.....THE RULING CLASS? Ooops, sorry, there's that phrase

Those of you on this list who come from America seeme oblivious,
uncomprehending and wilfully ignorant of widespread world opinion regarding
this. The US is seen as the Death Star....and I fully understand why. 
Look beyond your shores for once. Have some goddam empathy, especially those
of you who call yourselves "Libertarians", all the while not giving two
hoots about the deeds done in your name, on your behalf. But YOU buy the oil
And given a chance, my bet is ALL you Libertarians would have gladly been
there at the Big Haliburton Carve Up Iraq Barbeque if you had the
chance.......you are rank opportunists, like the Bush administration and
their corporate friends.

"venture capitalists"??? What a concept. Why don't you examine in depth how
the accounting actually works for your average, run of the mill VC setup,
particularly where the money comes from and how it is carved up. Employment
is the last thing that is about. 


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