[extropy-chat] Secular worship

Hara Ra harara at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 4 19:22:54 UTC 2004

I've been a cryonicist for years. Last year, at a local cryo meeting a 
woman who has been a member for a few years, remarked, "You just can't 
change human nature". She got an education on this topic from me!

Very few people think very far. The culture outside of the rational world 
is based on feelings and not thinking. The New Age disdains thinking. 
(Several months ago the Skeptical Inquirer had a good article by a woman 
who had spent most her life in New Agery, and came over to rationalism.)

If the history of accepting medical procedures, jet planes, and the 
internet are a guide, it is direct self interest which wins the day. In 
your face, everyone else is doing it, gotta deal with it, oh, really is 
useful after all.

I personally went through two versions of this lately. 1: Cell Phone, after 
5 months of not using it, suddenly was useful to coordinate a meeting in a 
strange town. Oh. 2: Starting a non centralized business thing, mostly on 
email, cornered into using Skpye for teleconferencing, OH, nice to have 
email on screen while we talk.

If it is useful, and it is easier to use it since others do so anyway, it 
gets accepted. If any of the pills spammers try to sell men actually 
worked, we would all know it soon, and fortunes would be made, within a few 

Reality supercedes possibility. The usual objection to Cryonics these days 
is "if it worked, I'd sign up". Well, a rabbit has been to -22deg C and 
back, so this may come any day now.....

>...although this is a tough problem.  I review the
>above, and I'm not entirely happy with my proposed
>solution.  But what do others think?
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=   Hara Ra (aka Gregory Yob)    =
=     harara at sbcglobal.net       =
=   Alcor North Cryomanagement   =
=   Alcor Advisor to Board       =
=       831 429 8637             =
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