[extropy-chat] No Joy in Mudville

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 4 22:48:07 UTC 2004

--- Brian Lee <brian_a_lee at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I think the anti-Gay spans parties too. The percentages in favor of
> the anti-Gay marriage acts in the 11 states included dems and repubs.
> This is why Kerry wouldn't come out in favor of gay marriage.
> I think this can be attributed to the fact that lots of Americans are
> anti-homosexual, don't approve of their "lifestyle" and don't want to
> allow same sex marriage.
> As to why this is? My guess is religious roots as it's not really
> very logical.

Still not getting it. The most common refrain that pollsters found was
that people were saying "I'm not against gays, I just don't want them
rubbing my face in it."

If a person likes to look at pictures only of beautiful people, you
can't say they hate ugly people. Cultural extroverts are offended that
cultural introverts don't like extroverts 'rubbing their faces in it'.
It isn't about hate, or being 'anti-extrovert', its about having an
equal right to be an introvert in peace and quiet. The extrovert may
feel that their rights are being restrained when they are restrained
from rubbing introverts faces in their extroversion, but too friggin
bad, there are limits.

> I favor someone else on this list who suggested that the gov't get
> out of the marriage business altogether and only allow civil unions.
> Then any marriage is purely non-legal and ceremonial.

Thank you.

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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