[extropy-chat] The next steps for individuals
Al Brooks
kerry_prez at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 5 04:44:21 UTC 2004
It's not so bad in America, as a wise poster just
wrote "we in the West don't realise how good we have
it". I live in the Midwest and don't like the culture
at all, Midwestern Monster Mix, it is called: Jesus,
booze, bowling for Columbine, beer, Choir practice. 23
But they look at me and are sickened too; life
extension, music, trendology- all that pointyheaded
intolech shoe-L stuff. I think my 'stuff' is superior,
they think there's is.
It's moving so slow but the years are going so fast.
> What about the Midwest and the South? It would seem
> to me that the
> problem is a lot closer to home. Its clear that the
> insane Christian
> meme that we have been politely ignoring for years
> has come home to
> roost. It was ignorable as long as it was not able
> to control the
> strings of government too tightly, but there are now
> enough
> fundamentalist christians to control the fate of the
> only remaining
> superpower.
> http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/08/15/nyt.kristof/
> I live in a small East German town. Just down the
> street I have a bunch
> of Texan Baptist missionaries who have opened up a
> cafe to lure and
> convert secular communists. These guys are really
> well organized and
> funded. Not only that I constantly bump into Mormons
> from Utah on the
> tram. How many Extropians do you find in Texas
> trying to spread the
> word? What hope do progressive forces have in a
> democracy when they are
> not willing to actively engage those who disagree
> with them? Reading
> (or writing) op-ed pieces in NYTimes is not going to
> change anyone's
> views in small towns in South or Mid-West. We need
> to become much more
> directly active if we want to change beliefs.
> We need Extropian missionaries in the South and
> Midwest!
> best, patrick
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