[extropy-chat] No Joy in Mudville

Sahyinepu sahynepu at concentric.net
Fri Nov 5 18:07:51 UTC 2004

Don't like it, don't see it in the theaters, change the television 
station, don't accept the invitation to the wedding.  I am celibate and 
absolutely hate it when people all but have outright sex in 
public...you know the but grabbing, french kissing, PG13 crap they pull 
anywhere and everywhere..I don't want to ban human breeders though.  
But I must admit, setting up live traps to catch humans in bars and 
churches and then sterilizing them is a humorous idea of mine.

Point is, there are aspects in society that most anyone would find 
offensive...most of us are mature enough to look the other way.  The 
exception to that would be when one group wants to limit the ability of 
one group to express itself, even when such expression does not 
directly harm them.  Like say, religious folks trying to ban gay 
marriage.  Gays marrying does not harm them directly at all.  Any more 
than horny as hell straight couples al but breeding in front of me 
harms me directly.  It just pisses me off.


On Friday, November 5, 2004, at 09:47 AM, Mike Lorrey wrote:

> --- Bryan Moss <bryan.moss at dsl.pipex.com> wrote:
>> Mike Lorrey wrote:
>>> Still not getting it. The most common refrain that pollsters found
>>> was that people were saying "I'm not against gays, I just don't want
>>> them rubbing my face in it."
>>> It would take a pretty extravagant wedding ring to amount to
> "rubbing
>> their face in it," wouldn't it?
> Or wedding party. Expect to see a movie titled "My Big Fat Gay Wedding"
> in the not too distant future. Gay wedding reality shows. It may be
> stereotypical, but its still true: nobody does flamboyant like gays.
> =====
> Mike Lorrey
> Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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