[extropy-chat] Extropian Scorecard

David deimtee at optusnet.com.au
Sat Nov 6 04:00:34 UTC 2004

natashavita at earthlink.net wrote:
> I heard on the
> news this morning that he [Bush] wants to privatize social security.  What do you
> think about that?

I understood that the social security system can be considered
a huge obligation on the part of the USA government towards those
citizens who have paid into it over the years. If it is privatised
how will the government fund the amount that they would have to pay
private companies to take on that obligation?
More taxes, or renege on the debt that is currently owed and
start over privately?

Either way their long term habit of spending rather than
investing what were suppposed to be insurance premiums is
going to come back and bite them on the arse.


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