[extropy-chat] An odd discrepancy in exit polls in touch-screen electronic voting states

Kevin Freels cmcmortgage at sbcglobal.net
Sat Nov 6 15:36:58 UTC 2004

Of course. Every time and electin is won and it was fairly close, someone
claims fraud.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gennady Ra" <anyservice at cris.crimea.ua>
To: "ExI chat list" <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 4:25 AM
Subject: [extropy-chat] An odd discrepancy in exit polls in touch-screen
electronic voting states

> From:
>  The Ultimate Felony Against Democracy
>     By Thom Hartmann
>     CommonDreams.org
>     Thusday 4 November 2004
>     The hot story in the Blogosphere is that the "erroneous" exit polls
that showed Kerry carrying Florida and Ohio (among other states) weren't
erroneous at all - it was the numbers produced by paperless voting machines
that were wrong, and Kerry actually won. As more and more analysis is done
of what may (or may not) be the most massive election fraud in the history
of the world...
>     Maybe Florida went for Kerry, maybe for Bush. Over time - and through
the efforts of some very motivated investigative reporters - we may well
find out (Bev Harris of www.blackboxvoting.org just filed what may be the
largest Freedom of Information Act [FOIA} filing in history), and bloggers
and investigative reporters are discovering an odd discrepancy in exit polls
being largely accurate in paper-ballot states and oddly inaccurate in
touch-screen electronic voting states. Even raw voter analyses are showing
extreme oddities in touch-screen-run Florida, and eagle-eyed bloggers are
finding that news organizations are retroactively altering their exit polls
to coincide with what the machines ultimately said.
> The full text is at
> http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/110604Z.shtml
> ====
> And:
> http://www.legitgov.org/pressrelease_stolen_election_2004_110404.html
> CITIZENS FOR LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT (www.legitgov.org) Launches
Investigation Into Discrepancies of 2004 'Election'
> Pittsburgh, PA: November 4, 2004
> CONTACT: Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D. and Lori Price, clg_news at legitgov.org
> CLG Founder and Chair, Michael D. Rectenwald, Ph.D., calls for a thorough
investigation into the discrepancies of the 2004 election. At the conclusion
of its investigation, CLG may call for specified action(s) against the
system that has provided for the theft of the 2000 and 2004 elections. CLG
may demand prosecution of those that have laid the groundwork for the 2004
election, if such an investigation points to the conclusion that a second
coup d'etat took place on November 2, 2004.
> (...)
> http://www.legitgov.org/index.html#breaking_news
> Ohio Stolen (blog entry, gnn.tv) 2004-11-03 16:26:30 "Greg Palast and
> Randi Rhodes reported today that the state of Ohio was stolen by the
> Republicans in election 2004. Ohio was the critical state that tipped
> the balance, giving the presidency to Bush. Turns out one County in
> Ohio, equipped with Diebold electronic voting machines, reported
> NEGATIVE 25,000 votes. Wha?!? That's what at least one election
> official in Ohio said. The votes from that County are lost. Not
> counted. GONE!"
> =================
> Gennady
> Simferopol Crimea Ukraine
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