[extropy-chat] Fleeing Bush's America?!?

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 6 16:58:10 UTC 2004

--- Zero Powers <zero.powers at gmail.com> wrote:

> OK, I was obviously disappointed by the election results, and I admit
> I may have made a fleeting and half-hearted remark or two along the
> way (something about loving my country a little bit less, as I
> recall).  But according to this story on NPR this morning there are
> some Americans who are actually thinking of emmigrating!
> Yeah, Europe is nice and New Zealand is beautiful.  I've never been
> down under, but I hear it has its draws too.  But actually
> emmigrating
> from the U.S. just because a dolt is in power?  That seems to be
> taking things a little too far.
> http://www.npr.org/rundowns/segment.php?wfId=4145998

Earlier this year, I heard a story about a family that moved from NH to
Vermont because of the Free State Project. They didn't want to live in
a Free State. 

So it does happen. In 2001, before I met Jason Sorens online, I was
seriously considering whether to move to New Zealand or Alaska, and
stocking up on equipment I'd need for homesteading in the wilderness.
Living under Clinton had become that intolerable.

I am entirely supportive of the idea that people should move to places
where they can live in the political/cultural/economic system they are
most amenable to. That is your natural right of expatriation, your
right to travel, at work.

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
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