[extropy-chat] Fleeing Bush's America?!?

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 7 14:36:58 UTC 2004

--- Zero Powers <zero.powers at gmail.com> wrote:

> Mike
> I'm curious.  What was it exactly that you found to be so intolerable
> about living in the U.S. during Clinton's presidency that made you
> consider emmigration?

That congressmonsters like Henry Waxman wanted to pass a law declaring
me a 'threat to national security' for owning a .50 caliber rifle (a
muzzleloader deer rifle, in fact, but in violation of his law if it had

That people like Waxman, Feinstein, Schumer, Lautenberg, Kennedy,
Kerry, et al wanted people like me (i.e. gun owners generally, and
machine gun owners specifically) arrested, reeducated, and have our
property confiscated and destroyed.

That people like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Al and Tipper Gore, Janet
Reno, and others in the highest seats of government, agreed with them. 

That they wanted, and tried, to institute taxes of $200 on every bullet
sold, ban semi-automatic firearms, particularly handguns, nationwide,
institute 'gun free zones' so broad that a law abiding person could not
avoid breaking the law multiple times in their normal course of driving
around their own community in an average day. 

That they thorougly approved of the use of SWAT team tactics in
invading homes based on the flimsiest of evidence (testimony of drug
dealers looking for a deal and inventing addresses) shooting the
occupants dead, and declaiming any liability or responsibility for the
screw up. 

That they approved of taking a child from an American home, whose
mother died so he could live free, and shipping him back into slavery
in one of the most despotic nations on the planet.

That they colluded to nationalize the entire health care system of this

That they instituted curricula in the public schools programming
children with lies about environmental issues, American history, the US
Constitution, the costs vs. benefits of technology, communist
infiltration, among a host of other areas of propaganda.

I was a bit heartened by Bush getting elected in 2000. He ranked as the
second most libertarian candidate on the ballot, after Harry Browne.
Ashcroft's announcement that the 2nd amendment was an individual right
helped, though his insistence that the words "shall not be infringed"
have no legal meaning in refusing to reject, nonenforce, or seek repeal
of the 20,000 gun control laws on the books was discouraging. 

I didn't think, though, that Bush could accomplish a whole lot. The
left only needed a patsy to off him with a gun to screw everything up
if he actually made progress (like they did with Reagan), and of
course, 9.11 happened.

I think Bush is now distinctly aware of the threat posed not only by
the islamofascist movement (as Greg Burch spoke of yesterday), but the
international radical left, led by the 5th Communist International,
which organized out of the ashes of the Soviet Union and eastern
europe. It is my contention that the 5th, along with the Chinese, are
using the islamofascists to blunt the strength and competetiveness of
the US leading up to some attempt by China to retake Taiwan some time
in the next decade, if not the next four years, coupled with attempts
at new communist revolutions in a number of nations where opposition to
'globalization' is highest. The multiplication of threats and fronts is
a definite strategy which should result in at least some victories for
the left.

The international left was counting on a passive Kerry in office, who
would not come to the aid of allies, and would work to weaken American
defenses and resolve

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
                                      -William Pitt (1759-1806) 
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