[extropy-chat] No Joy in Mudville

John K Clark jonkc at att.net
Mon Nov 8 16:44:01 UTC 2004

"Samantha Atkins" <sjatkins at gmail.com>

> The average American imho is more likely to
> be totally brainwashed by the long harping
> on terror.

And that is one of two reasons I didn't vote for Kerry. Although he never
expressed it quite as clearly as you just did I got the impression he 
wouldn't have been as aggressively anti terrorist as Bush and thought
the reaction to 911 was overblown. I didn't think the reaction to 911 
as overblown. It's true that Bush was horribly wrong about the WMD 
in Iraq business and that is unforgivable; or would be if Kerry, who
was reading the same intelligence reports Bush was hadn't thought 
they were there too. And if our intelligence sucked I have no reason 
to think it would improve under a Kerry administration, he had after 
all been trying to slash its budget for the last 20 years.

The other reason I didn't vote for Kerry was his idiotic economic policy;
the keys to prosperity are not raising taxes and raising trade barriers.

> They are voting from fear.   Fear truly is
> "the mind killer".

Fear is a useful survival trait, if it were not evolution would not have
ensured that every animal with a brain has it.

   John K Clark    jonkc at att.net

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