[extropy-chat] Re: Identity Erasure? or faulty platforms?

Amara Graps amara.graps at gmail.com
Sat Nov 13 15:08:36 UTC 2004

megao at sasktel.net:
>> Can someone have the content of their site blocked from the major search
>> engines and deleted from the results of
>> past successful search terms that have brought hits?

naddy at mips.inka.de:
>You can put up a /robots.txt and tell the spiders not to index your
>site.  The major search engines should honor that.

True, they should. I am sufficiently annoyed with companies that don't
adhere by netiquette's courtesies (i.e. respecting the wishes of the web
site's robot.txt file), that I usually block their future access to my
web site (using .htaccess) if I think that they've behaved badly. It's a
small thing to do; single IPs probably don't matter, but at least I can
annoy them in return, and it gives me small sense that I have a say in
how I want my materials accessed.


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