[extropy-chat] POL: Bush Cabinet Resignations

Al Brooks kerry_prez at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 15 23:15:31 UTC 2004

 Condi Rice is rumored to be tired of her position, she apparently wants to be a university president or professor. 
After Powell and Rice are gone it is back to a caucasian executive cabinet-- you know, the normal order of things. 

Adrian Tymes <wingcat at pacbell.net> wrote:
--- Kevin Freels wrote:
> Colin Powell is resigning.
> http://www.cnn.com/
> Does anyone know what is going on here? Four more of
> his cabinet are resigning as well. I think that
> makes 6.

Powell was expected, after his disagreements with
Bush. Ashcroft was a bit of a surprise, but may stem
from certain potential voters expressing major concern
during the campaign with how the DoJ had been
trampling their civil liberties, causing Bush to take
an honest look* at what Ashcroft's been pulling while
Bush was focussed on Iraq. (When else would Bush
actually listen to the voters, instead of having their
concerns filtered through the Cabinet?) I'm not sure
about the others, but I would not be surprised if they
were a combination of similar factors.

* For all his faults, Bush is usually capable of
performing honorably when he has the correct facts in
front of him. The main problem appears to be that,
the way he sets up his environment, he is often given
false or misleading information, not to mention that
he inspires actions he himself would not back. (For
instance, it does not appear that the move by his
diplomats to get stem cell research outlawed via UN
treaty is being done with his blessing, even if said
diplomats think he would be in favor of it. Bush
might not even be aware that this is happening, and
think that people hysterically exaggerate when they
accuse him of trying to outlaw stem cell research when
all he did was ban federal funding of it.) This does
not excuse the results, BTW, just explains how they
came to be.
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