[extropy-chat] Survey - Ireland best country to live in

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Nov 17 20:28:27 UTC 2004


Ireland is the best place to live in the world, according to a
"quality of life" assessment by Economist magazine. The country's
combination of increasing wealth and traditional values gives it the
conditions most likely to make its people happy, the survey found.
The Economist said: "Ireland wins because it successfully combines the
most desirable elements of the new, such as low unemployment and
political liberties, with the preservation of certain cosy elements of
the old, such as stable family and community life."

The USA languished in 13th, while Britain was 29th - the lowest of the
pre-expansion EU nations. The researchers said although the UK
achieved high income per head, it had high levels of social and family

 1 Ireland
2 Switzerland
3 Norway
4 Luxembourg
5 Sweden
6 Australia
7 Iceland
8 Italy
9 Denmark
10 Spain


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