[extropy-chat] Re: on Spike's big ass theory

Spike spike66 at comcast.net
Thu Nov 18 15:48:02 UTC 2004

> Christian Weisgerber
> Subject: [extropy-chat] Re: on Spike's big ass theory
> Spike <spike66 at comcast.net> wrote:
> > I'm thinking this over, and it does have some merits.
> > It actually competes with my big ass theory, which
> > condenses to something like this: humans have some
> > exaggerated features resulting from sex selection,
> > not from inherent functional usefulness, the two most
> > remarkable examples being pecs and gluts.
> The one glaring and uncontroversial (I think) example being women's
> breasts.
> -- 
> Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          
> naddy at mips.inka.de

It may be *slightly* more subtle than it appears, for
a female chimp's breasts enlarge noticably when they
are fertile and receptive to mating.  The alpha male 
chimp might look around and see who is in the mood.  By
choosing those, he would increase his chances of offspring.

In humans, the breasts are enlarged always, so the
female appears fertile and receptive 24/7.  Coloring the
lips red might also add to this perception, causing
stable monogamous pairs to form, which increases
the stability of a human group.


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