[extropy-chat] Top scientist asks: is life all just a dream?

Hara Ra harara at sbcglobal.net
Sat Nov 20 18:12:55 UTC 2004

Then there's the press release:

Balkan Scientists discover new Gene, Liturgene. When fed to a control group 
of skeptics, their output of dogmatized text went up by 10000% they report. 
Dalka Krankor, chief instigator, says: "We may have saved the economy of 
Trans-Kikkianistan here, as we can now reliably outsource technical help on 
any subject. Just feed them a dose of Liturgene and give them a users 
manual." It was reported that the control group was composed of random 
extropians, transhumanists and libertarians from the notorious Exi Chat 

>>These days, 20 years after Gibson's Neuromancer, these academics saying 
>>the same thing. Greg Egan having written of these things in his science 
>>fiction 10 years ago. I predict that in about 10 more years the Church of 
>>the Immaculate Upload will come along. Let's see now: "The Universe 
>>created thee Pure in DNA, in Original Awareness without Sin. Lay down thy 
>>conflicts and disputes, come into the house of Primal Upload...."
>You might want to soup up the liturgy a bit.    If one of us is 
>sufficiently seduced by the Dark Side expect to see this is more like 
>three years.  :-)
>- samantha

=   Hara Ra (aka Gregory Yob)    =
=     harara at sbcglobal.net       =
=   Alcor North Cryomanagement   =
=   Alcor Advisor to Board       =
=       831 429 8637             =

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