[extropy-chat] Re: Structure of AI

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 25 03:16:43 UTC 2004

--- Walter_Chen at compal.com wrote:

> We can't just think based on current tech. or logic.
> For example, quantum computing uses complex numbers as probability.
> So dividing by zero or system crash cause problems only on our
> computers.

That is right, which isn't what I was saying. Creating a mechanism
which does such things with the matter or energy of the universe would
only self-erase in the event that it creates a singularity function
which can have an impact upon the time-line.

Otherwise, the meta-sysop may simply allow universes to play themselves
out to their ultimate end, however it may be. If the universe ends, it
ends. If it does so because of the stupidity or greed or whatever of
entities within it, the meta-sysop may simply not be interested in
having such entities, and is instead searching for the universe of
angels who are rational and right and responsible as a matter of course
and not because of any hit or miss behavior that is at least as likely
to screw up as not.

> There is no way to say there are such problems on "the universe".
> If life is a simulation, it's just very reasonable for human beings
> to ask for such adjustment buttons to change our life once and for
> all.
> If life is not a simulation, such adjustment buttons still could
> exist somewhere in the universe
> (because nobody really knows why and how comes the universe).

It is presumptuous to presume that the universe was made for our
benefit. Even if such 'buttons' existed, they may not even be anywhere
near our region of the universe or our future light cone. Parents do
tend to keep breakable/dangerous things out of the reach of the toddlers...

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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