[extropy-chat] Atheists launch inquisition...

Giu1i0 Pri5c0 pgptag at gmail.com
Thu Nov 25 07:15:42 UTC 2004

Banning an important historic document from schools on (atheist)
religious ground is very disturbing, as is banning scientific evidence
on evolution from schools on (christian) religious ground. Rewriting
history, and rewriting science, are always first steps toward a
totalitarian Orwellian system. Let's hope both types of talibanism are
only temporary reactions to the overheated political climate.
Mike, I am puzzled by your more and more frequent defense of religious nuts.
My analysis: you hate what you call "liberals" so much that you prefer
to side with the christian talibans on the basis of a feeling that
"the enemies of my enemy are my friends" (faulty logic to say the
least). You are proud that the christian talibans have beaten the
liberals in the US, and now regard them as precious allies.
My friend: just wake up. These are the same people who used to
actually BURN people for exercising their right to free thought and
speech. These are the same people who burned Giordano Bruno, put
Galileo in jail, and held most of Europe in a totalitarian terror
regime for centuries. Just read history.
You call yourself a libertarian, but are ready to defend the
witch-hunters that history has proven to be the worst enemies if
personal freedom. You call yourself an extropian, but side with those
who want to ban all research on advanced medical technologies that can
make us better than today's humans. You proudly call yourself an
American, but please try to realize that your new taliban friends are
more and more against all that Jefferson and Paine stood for.

On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 15:55:33 -0800 (PST), Mike Lorrey <mlorrey at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Declaration of Independence Banned at Calif School

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