[extropy-chat] Hello again...

Dirk Bruere dirk at neopax.com
Thu Nov 25 15:16:55 UTC 2004

Giu1i0 Pri5c0 wrote:

>I often think that perhaps true AI will not be developed/grown from
>scratch but rather co-evolve with us. Sort of, first people get memory
>implants, then implants get processing capabilities, then we start
>co-thinking with our implants, in such a way as to make sure that
>posthumans and AIs are really one and the same. This scenario would
>eliminate conflict between posts and AIs and the need for them to
>uplift us.
One of the most likely routes for Human style AI might be slicing a real 
brain (flash frozen if possible) in micron slices and doing a neural 
reconstruction and simulation in s/w.


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