[extropy-chat] Atheists launch inquisition...

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 26 00:07:05 UTC 2004

--- Hal Finney <hal at finney.org> wrote:
> If the teacher is allowing his religious beliefs to sway his
> presentation
> of American history in a biased and unbalanced manner, then it is
> proper
> for the administration to step in and try to rectify the situation.
> Making the teacher run his instructional materials by the principle
> for
> approval is a drastic step, but it is better than giving the students
> a false impression of historical facts.

If the administration was telling the teacher what can be taught about
the documents, that is one thing. She is instead specifically being
prevented from teaching *THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE*. That is an
attack on the Constitution itself, and a demonstration of the
irrationality of the atheist inquisitors: they are attacking that which
gives them the right to practice their atheist religion. It is an
inherently paradoxical and absurd thing to do, which I would have
assumed would be obvious to those on this board who pretend to be
rational intelligent people.

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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