[extropy-chat] Atheists launch inquisition...

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 26 14:42:00 UTC 2004

--- "Fred C. Moulton" <moulton at moulton.com> wrote:> 
> Definition 2 seems to be dealing with religious matters but here
> again there is nothing which logically links Atheism with faith.  For
> example you can be an Atheist without having a "firm belief in
> something for which there is no proof".

On the contrary. A firm belief in the claim that there is no God, or
other universe-creator-being, humanity-creator-being, etc... is a claim
to a proof which is not in evidence, and, given the Simulation
Argument, is contrary to evidence currently available.

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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