[extropy-chat] Researchers and students in America

Amara Graps amara at amara.com
Fri Nov 26 15:05:15 UTC 2004

Some of this is old and already discussed (here in the past), but I
think it is useful to see it presented in one place by a foreign
(nonUS) newspaper, and for another perspective.


Researchers and students in America

"Non-domestic companies are no longer sourcing supplies in the United
States, or taking part in trade fairs and other events, because their
executives cannot obtain an entry visa. American manufacturers are
accusing the government of preventing them from recruiting overseas
specialists - engineers and researchers in particular - who are hard
to find in the US. The number of foreign students enrolling at
American universities has fallen for the first time in 30 years
because of visa procedures that resemble a frustrating, months-long
obstacle course, often ending in a refusal. This could well be the
most burdensome legacy of 9/11. America is spending billions on
antiterrorism technology, from bomb-sniffing robots to X-rays that
reveal the contents of a truck. But the real price of shielding
America, which started with the Patriot Act passed just after the
World Trade Center attack, is being paid elsewhere, in the visa
clampdown-induced loss of economic activity, already in excess of 30
billion dollars. There is another, unquantifiable but potentially
enormous, loss in the reduced inflow of non-domestic brainpower, which
for decades has been the engine driving the country's main scientific
and industrial successes."

[full article follows, see the link above]



Amara Graps, PhD          email: amara at amara.com
Computational Physics     vita:  ftp://ftp.amara.com/pub/resume.txt
Multiplex Answers         URL:   http://www.amara.com/
"The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in the stars, but in ourselves."
    -- Shakespeare

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