[extropy-chat] Atheists launch inquisition...

Olga Bourlin fauxever at sprynet.com
Fri Nov 26 15:31:03 UTC 2004

From: "Mike Lorrey" <mlorrey at yahoo.com>
> --- Technotranscendence <neptune at superlink.net> wrote:>

> > A third and much more radical one is Tertullian's type of faith -- 
> > believing something because it goes against proof and evidence -- 
> > believing things because they are impossible or illogical, actually
> > contradition logic and the evidence.  To put it bluntly: holding an
> > irrational belief.
> Well, in that case I can clearly state that atheism is a tertullian
> form of faith, particularly because it is inherently impossible to
> prove a negative, i.e. it is impossible to prove the non-existence of
> God. Ergo, atheists believe the impossible.

And one can just as clearly state that amermaidism, asantaclausism,
aleprechaunism, amoonmaidenism, apurplepeopleism, afirebirism, atoothfairism
(and any other such "faith" driven convictions) are Tertullian.

By the way, Mike, which god are you talking about here ...?


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