[extropy-chat] Not believing in Eris is also a religion

Hara Ra harara at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 29 04:40:23 UTC 2004

Neither do I. Now absence of postings does not prove postings of absence, 
but I conjecture that as with most email lists, there are lots and lots of 
nurkers out there....

>I am an agnostic Flomnurker, since I have no idea who
>s/he/it is.  Since I have no intention of finding out
>who Flomnurk is, can I be a fundamentalist agnostic
>Flomnurker ?

=   Hara Ra (aka Gregory Yob)    =
=     harara at sbcglobal.net       =
=   Alcor North Cryomanagement   =
=   Alcor Advisor to Board       =
=       831 429 8637             =

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