[extropy-chat] Re: Fwd: Manditory draft for your child?

Trend Ologist trendologist at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Oct 1 12:55:22 UTC 2004

Another somewhat-apparent aspect is that the enemy is
not 100% culpable. It is a myth Germany was seeking
revenge for the Versailles treaty; Germany had
recovered from Versailles by 1939. The critical cause
of WWII was Germany being trapped between Stalin's
genocidal communism in the east, and ultra-capitalism
in the west. The Germans overreacted yet they were
under severe pressure and didn't know what to do so
they went totalist. Our current enemy is extremely
reactionary but this is also partially overreacting to
an undoubted imperialist tendency on our part.

 --- Hara Ra <harara at sbcglobal.net> wrote: 
> Um, it's one thing if a definite enemy is known and
> localizable, like 
> Germany or to some degree, VietNam. Question is,
> does joining the service 
> really helps to solve the problem. We have a new
> kind of war here, and 
> traditionally, the military always is refighting the
> previous war. One's 
> skills might better serve the nation as a civilian.

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