[extropy-chat] Re: Fwd: Manditory draft for your child?

Trend Ologist trendologist at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Oct 1 18:07:12 UTC 2004

Okay, okay, you and Hal and all the rest have it all
figured out, and sneaky crypto-pinko cowards like me
are infected with the socialist-liberal mind virus.
Now it is all clear.

> According to Kerry he will:
> - eliminate tax cuts
> - send 100,000 more men to Iraq (i.e. draft, sounds
> like Lyndon Johnson
> here) PLUS hunt down and kill every terrorist on
> Earth (with another
> 100,000 troops we don't have?)
> - protect our gun rights by banning many types of
> guns, including
> semi-automatic shotguns commonly used in skeet
> shooting and bird
> hunting, .50 caliber rifles commonly used in big
> game hunting, and
> semi-automatic pistols commonly used in self
> defense.
> - eliminate Patriot Act controls on library book
> borrowing, but keep
> Patriot Act banking and licensing controls that
> violate the First
> Amendment rights of millions of religious people who
> object to the
> numerical inventorying of human flesh.
> - promote government funding of state controlled
> stem cell research,
> thus out-competing private funding and private
> researchers via the use
> of police force, and ensuring that the government
> owns the IP created
> by this research, thus is able to control its use.
> Longevity and
> enhancement technologies will be rationed only to
> 'essential personnel'
> (i.e. elected officials and their thugs).
> - introduce a controversial plan to use zoning and
> planning ordinances
> across the country to economically force tens of
> millions of people to
> abandon living in rural areas and small towns, to
> migrate them to the
> cities where populations can be better controlled
> (and who they vote
> for can be controlled as well). All the abandoned
> land will be returned
> to wilderness for the reintroduction of wolves,
> grizzlies, mountain
> lions, and other species across North America, and
> used as a land bank
> of collateral to back massive welfare state
> borrowing paid for by
> massive taxes on energy and consumption in the guise
> of protecting us
> from "Global Warming", but are really intended to
> make the EU and Japan
> economically competetive with us again.. by dragging
> us down.
> =====
> Mike Lorrey
> Chairman, Free Town Land Development
> "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of
> human freedom.
> It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of
> slaves."
>                                          -William
> Pitt (1759-1806) 
> Blog:
> http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=Sadomikeyism
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