[extropy-chat] Krugman on the state of play

Amara Graps amara.graps at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 21:58:58 UTC 2004

Kevin Freels megaquark at hotmail.com:
>By the way. Why is it that people think that "torture" and
>"abuse" are the same thing? Torture is what Saddam did. Our
>prisoners in Abu Ghraib were abused. I am not condoning this
>behavior, but it's not like these prisoners were being beheaded
>with a knife, having limbs cut off, being electrocuted, or
>starved to death.

(I wonder how you cannot know this.)

Three more navy seals charged with the Abu Ghraib prisoner's deaths 
(this brings the number of seals charged to seven)

catch all of the news

Many many items here regarding deaths, tortures, rapes:
(read down to the Seymour Hersh news, especially)


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