[extropy-chat] Krugman on the state of play

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 22:33:23 UTC 2004

On Fri, 1 Oct 2004 16:02:52 -0500, Kevin Freels wrote:
> Yep. I don;t have a subscription.... :-)

The site: <http://bugmenot.com/> provides signons and passwords to
these free signon sites to bypass the annoyance of having to feed in
garbage data to their online forms.

If you use Mozilla FireFox (wise move) you can install the Bugmenot
extension so that a right-click on the signon box fills it in
automatically for you. Easy!

On a few sites that are really determined to annoy their readers,
there is a mini war going on where they are deleting Bugmenot signons,
but new ones are being added faster than they are deleting them.  On
these sites it might take a few extra clicks to find a signon that
works. :)

Happy browsing.  BillK

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