[extropy-chat] ImmInst Update

Bruce J. Klein bjk at imminst.org
Mon Oct 4 00:21:19 UTC 2004


Film Title: "Exploring Life Extension" -- http://www.imminst.org/film

Film Status:  In Production 
Film Style:  Educational Documentary 
Participating Interviewees:  50+ individuals in 14 different States
Miles to be traveled:  12,000+ from Sept to Dec 2004
Film Editing:  Jan - Mar 2005 
Film Release:  Apr 2005  

Film Financial Support: 

$5,000 - James Halperin
$5,000 - David Kekich
$500 - Thor Christensen
Contact Bruce Klein - bjk at imminst.org - to make a tax-deductible contribution. 

David Kekich, Peter Voss, Louise Gold, Michael Roy Ames and David Pizer 
have thus far graciously provided overnight accommodations to help defray
film travel expenses. There have been ten interviews completed thus far with 
pictures found here: 

Pictures of individuals filmed thus far: http://www.imminst.org/film.php#Far


ImmInst Social: Ramada Inn, near Hartford, CT -- Sat Dec 4, 2004

ImmInst Chair, Bruce Klein will speak about the new ImmInst book, 
"The Scientific Conquest of Death," and the ImmInst Film Project, 
"Exploring Life Extension." Contact Bruce bjk at imminst.org to reserve 
your free room for Dec 4. That's right, FREE room.  

An anonymous ImmInst supporter has reserved a number of rooms for 
this event. See: http://www.imminst.org/forum/index.php?act=ST&f=159&t=4220


Accelerating Change Conference (ACC) -- Physical Space, Virtual Space, and Interface
Stanford University, Palo Alto CA - November 5 - 7, 2004 

ImmInst Chair, Bruce Klein will be at ACC with video camera in 
hand for the ImmInst Film Project. 


The Problem with "Immortality"
by Reason 

The problem with immortality is really a problem with people, 
and it extends to any discussion of the topic. As soon as you
mention immortality outside of a religious context you are in 
danger of being lumped in with the vocal wingnut and oddball 


Immortality Institute - For Infinite Lifespans 
Mission - End the Blight of Involuntary Death 
Members: 1,713 - Full Members: 103

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