[extropy-chat] RE: Re: Intelligent Designand IrriducibleComplexity

Kevin Freels megaquark at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 4 15:25:04 UTC 2004

Nope. Not word perfect. It may have been the top one that you provided, but
it was a couple of days ago when I ran across it. I was looking at several
different things along the same lines, and vaguely remember seeing several
of the pages you provided. I wasn't doing a research paper or planning to
use it as a source at the time, I was just being curious, so I only made a
mental note of the numbers. There were multiple sources for the same
information and many of them WERE word for word. It may have very well been
none of these. I wonder if the original source could even be tracked down.

My memory isn;t selectively perfect. My wording was not perfect. The source
would not have been either. On the internet, one letter being wrong can lead
you to a totally different page. It is senseless to make an attempt at it
unless you can be 100% correct. I did give enough info for someone to find
it on their own and did let you know that it wasn;t my own research
providing it. I wasn;t attempting to mislead or plagiarize.

I am sure there are many numbers and statistics in my head that I have ran
across as trivial, yet interesting and I probably couldn;t source a single
one of them. Some of them may actually turn up on a Google search if you
quoted me even if I never read their material. If I were doing a research
paper, I wouldn;t use that information, and instead would go through the
trouble of locating the information and providing a source for it even if I
didn;t know where I originally learned the numbers, statistics, etc. For
chit-chat on a message board, that is a bit extreme and would still be
tantamount to lying if I looked up the numbers and provided a link to the
first source you provided as my source if in fact, the actual source was
from the third link you provided and I didn;t find that one on my search.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Patrick Wilken" <Patrick.Wilken at Nat.Uni-Magdeburg.DE>
To: "ExI chat list" <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] RE: Re: Intelligent Designand

> On 4 Oct 2004, at 16:10, Kevin Freels wrote:
> > Another thought on ants: An ant brain has about 250,000 brain cells. A
> > human
> > brain has about 10,000 million. So a colony of 40,000 ants has a
> > collective
> > brain roughly the size of a human. (Can't remember the source)
> You have an interesting form of memory since you appear to remember the
> text word perfect, but not the source:
> http://www.lingolex.com/ants.htm
> http://www.ideasmerchant.com/
> http://barkinspider.diaryland.com/020415_58.html
> http://www.pamdemocrat.org/Newspaper/YouthArise.cfm
> Unfortunately, some of my students have a similar problem.
> best, patrick
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