[extropy-chat] nontoxic bug slayer

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 4 23:38:35 UTC 2004

--- Johnius <Johnius at Genius.UCSD.edu> wrote:

> Spike wrote:
> >Yesterday I was cleaning windows while a fly buzzed around
> >out of reach, bugging me to distraction.  He landed, I
> >zzzitzed him with windex.  That fly prompty expired!
> >Hara Ra: 70% Isopropyl Alchohol
> 	Thanks.  I've been plagued with black widow spiders
> 	around (and sometimes in) my house.  I once tried
> 	spraying one with WD-40 (good for all sorts of things :-)
> 	and that worked, but it took some time.  My guess is
> 	that the lubricant got into all its breathing pores
> 	and suffocated it.  Recently I spritzed one with some
> 	of my bicycle chain lubricant (White Lightning), which
> 	smells like it has an alcohol base.  That seemed to
> 	kill the spider more quickly.  Next time, I think
> 	I'll give Windex a try ...  J

I was painting the red trim on the family cabin a few years ago with a
nice thick red paint. However, it just happened to be the ladybug
breeding day that year (which, if you've ever seen it, is kindof a
smaller scale version of a cicada invasion). It turns out, naturally,
that they are attracted to and sexually turned on by the color red.
They thus all sought out my nicely painted, and still wet, red trim on
the cabin, where they stuck and perished, in congress, assembled,
hanging together, as it were....... which gave a rather interesting
texture to the trim of the building.

Mike Lorrey
Chairman, Free Town Land Development
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It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
                                         -William Pitt (1759-1806) 
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