[extropy-chat] Re: sex selection in Asia? (a modest proposal)

Adrian Tymes wingcat at pacbell.net
Fri Oct 8 21:20:07 UTC 2004

--- "Joseph S. Barrera III" <joe at barrera.org> wrote:
> Trend Ologist wrote:
> >  How much of a threat is future asian gender
> imbalance to your
> >  grandchildren? Isn't the prospect of WMD
> holocaust in the Middle East
> >  more ominous to you? Paleos fret too much about
> remote facilitation
> We could intentionally breed more girls here in the
> U.S., and sell them 
> in the future
> to a male-dominated asia. It would help the trade
> imbalance...

I recall certain sci-fi stories where certain people
made humans with artificial wombs, rigged with
hormones and stimulants (especially neural stimulants)
to speed the embryos to physical adulthood in much
less than 18.75 years, while wiring their brains to be
close copies of a known good template so as to give
them adult-equivalent mental functionality.  One could
imagine someone in Asia setting up just that sort of
service, combined with fake documentation (immigrant
from a rural province or Third World country where
verifiable documents are lacking), to provide
compliant brides for rich men who can not otherwise
find a woman (or possibly, rich parents of a young man
who would rather further his own career than spend
much effort finding a woman, but who want their family
line to continue) - and, nearer-term, Asian biotech
research explicitly aimed at that end.

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