[extropy-chat] lette

Spike spike66 at comcast.net
Sat Oct 9 20:12:13 UTC 2004

> Damien Broderick
> Subject: RE: [extropy-chat] lette
> At 08:10 AM 10/9/2004 -0700, Spike wrote:
> >Orgasmic chemistry: a field of science that promotes sextropy.
> >
> >spike
> >
> >{8^D  (this is fun)
> Bad Spike, no biscuit. Broke the rules. One addition, 
> deletion or change only.
> Damien Brodericq

Rules schmules.  Wordplay is about bending rules.  If I
were to be strict about the single-substitution rule,
I would be stuck with a with one of the four choices:
rules-sules, -cules, -hules, or -mules.  Three of these
make no word, whereas the fourth suggests a singleminded
dedication to a single task, which works on two levels
but still hasn't the punch of the simple, devastating


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