[extropy-chat] Greens do well in Oz elections

Alejandro Dubrovsky alito at organicrobot.com
Sun Oct 10 03:27:12 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-10-09 at 13:06 -0500, Damien Broderick wrote:
> In the Australian national federal election, the conservatives have been 
> returned to office. At 77% of the vote counted last night, the Green had 
> scored 7% of the primary vote, up 2%. The racist & brainless One Nation 
> party got 1.1%, down 3.2%.
No need for spin, Damien.  The greens did well, but not that well
considering that the Democrats (the traditional third party by now) vote
completely collapsed (5% => 1%). They also lost their only MP.  One
Nation vote is way down but the new Family First Party, probably the
most socially conservative party around now, picked up 2%, even though
they run in only 2/3 of the electorates, and what's worse, they seem to
now hold the balance of power in the senate (but counting for that
hasn't finished).


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