[extropy-chat] if Hillary had killed a boyfriend...

Trend Ologist trendologist at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Oct 11 02:47:42 UTC 2004

If Hillary had accidentally (on-purpose, say) killed
her boyfriend not long after he'd dumped her,
conservative rags would have printed cartoons of her
in the early '90s driving an auto, with "Hillary
Healthcare" printed on the side, into another car with
a person labeled "healthcare consumer" flying out of
the car with his neck bent.
All through the '90s Hillary would never have been
allowed to forget it if she had been involved in a
fatal accident; she'd never have been elected senator.
To this day 'Ted Kennedy' implies "Chappaquiddick".

 > > Talk about a story straight out of a David Lynch
> >  movie...

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